Strength measurement of the 830 keVresonance in the 22Ne(α,n)25Mg reaction using a stilbene detector

Published: July 2024 Wiescher

Lead Author(s): Shahina

The interplay between the 22Ne(α,γ)26Mg reaction and the competing 22Ne(α,n)25Mg reaction determines the efficiency of the latter as a neutron source at the temperatures of stellar helium burning. In both cases, the rates are dominated by the α-cluster resonance at 830 keV. This resonance plays a particularly important role in determining the strength of the neutron flux for both the weak and main s process as well as the n process. Learn more

Publication: Strength measurement of the 𝐸𝛼lab=830 keV resonance in the 22Ne⁢(𝛼,𝑛)⁢25Mg reaction using a stilbene detector